You're doing better than you think if you follow this one rule
Shut the door on the past and screw your planning
You’re Doing Better Than You Think If You Follow This One Rule
It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks with work, weddings, and publishing this eBook.
Honestly, I’ve found it nearly impossible to slow down and stay in the present moment—so I wrote this post for myself. Sorry about your luck.
It’s about my favorite “Rule for Life” — a journaling exercise found in the eBook.
If you look at the photo below, rule #4 says “Regarde!”
Regarde, or “Look” became the mantra for the beloved French writer Colette. Another way of saying shut the door on your past and screw all your planning.
Colette’s credo was a PSA to anyone who would care to listen.
Regarde le chat.
Regarde your best friend’s wedding.
Regarde helping the new person at work even when it’s not your job.
Regarde part two of Stranger Things.
No one wants to worry all day, but we fail when we tell ourselves, “hey don’t worry so much.” Oddly enough, telling your brain not to do something has the opposite effect.
It helps to replace worry with the cool shit in front of your fat face.
That’s the point of regarding.
Think of everything we would miss by spending our days in self-examination or comparing ourselves to others on Instagram.
So look up. Less worrying. More regarding.
That’s what Colette did.
Colette died in Paris during the summer of 1954. She looked outside her hospital window and noticed the approach of a thunderstorm. The storm covered the streets of St. Germain in a dark blanket. The rain started falling.
Then she spoke her last words.
You guessed it.